Friday, November 6, 2009

The Goal Line!

If God's people will see nothing but the goal line, will accept nothing but victory, will pay any price, will suffer any hurt and hardship, will refuse to be discouraged or disheartened, we cannot help but win; because we are charged with the power of God's Holy Spirit. There are somethings money will do;  there are some things human effort will do; there are some things human ingenuity will do; but there are some things only God can do. I want to remind you that no one ever achieved greatness without human opposition. We need people today who will say, "We can, we must, we will!" Are you ready to be one of such people? The overcomer is one who is knocked down nine times, but gets up ten. It is not the boulders ahead of us that wear us down. It is often the grain of sand in our shoe. God never puts more on us than He puts in us to bear up every burden. There are far more valleys than mountain tops in the Christian life. God sends us two bad days every good day in order to keep us looking towards Him. God has a vision for you. Don't ever quit. Let your vision become an obsessive reality.

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